[NAAEE] EE-News April 23, 2008 북미환경교육협회 메일소식

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NAAEE Announcements

Awards, Grants, Contests

Diversity and Environmental Justice Highlights

National Events, Training, Announcements

Research and Publishing Opportunities

Resources for Students and Educators

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NAAEE Announcements

1. Awards Nominations Deadline Extended

Deadline Extended to May 2nd!
Recognize those outstanding individuals and organizations that excel in EE by nominating them for the following prestigious awards:

?a href="http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=GSKjItzkWnxXqG1AvDTKqw_3d_3d">The Walter E. Jeske Award >>
?Outstanding Service to EE by an Individual: Local >> | Regional >> | Global >>
?Outstanding Service to EE by an Organization: Local >> | Regional >> | Global >>
?Outstanding Contributions to Research in EE >>
?Outstanding NAAEE Affiliate Organization >>

The Awards will be presented on October 18th, at the 2008 NAAEE conference in Wichita, Kansas.


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2. Research Symposium News

Reminder: The Call for Presentations is open.
Start here >>

The 5th Annual Research Symposium has been expanded to two days - October 14-15, at the 2008 NAAEE Conference in Wichita, Kansas!

More, varied presentation formats will be offered in order to foster a learning community of EE researchers that extend beyond the annual meeting. Louise Chawla, Bob Jickling, Tom Marcinkowski, Marcia McKenzie, and Ginger Potter are among the featured speakers.


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3. Call for Board Nominations

Deadline: August 6, 2008
Do you know someone who would bring valuable tools to NAAEE's Board of Directors? Perhaps you are that very person! Now is the time for you to act. Those with experience in fundraising and nonprofit administration will have the highest likelihood of making it into the final field of candidates. So, if you (or someone you know) would like to join a vibrant team of like-minded environmental educators, please submit your nomination today.

?Member at Large (January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2011) - 2 positions open
?Treasurer (January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2010)

Start here:


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4. NAAEE Conference Scholarships Offered - Apply Now

NAAEE is pleased to announce the availability of the following scholarship opportunities for the 2008 conference:

  • Environmental Education Scholarship for Academic Study in Host State ## A $500 or $1,000 scholarship, which will include conference registration, will be awarded to at least one undergraduate or graduate student at a Kansas college or university, who is currently enrolled in a degree program that will prepare him/her to be an environmental educator in formal or non-formal setting. Deadline: May 1, 2008

  • Affordability Scholarship ## A limited number of Affordability Scholarships will be awarded to provide discounted full conference registration to NAAEE members who have lower incomes and little or no financial support from their employer. (Students and retirees are not eligible.) Deadline: June 15, 2008

  • Diversity Scholarship ## Diversity is a key element of NAAEE뭩 formal Strategic Plan to enrich the field of environmental education. Diversity scholarships are an opportunity to promote interaction and exchange within a wide variety of cultures and perspectives. Deadline: June 15, 2008

  • The William B. Stapp College Student Scholarship ## The Stapp Fund was established in 2001 in honor of NAAEE international leader Dr. Bill Stapp (1930-2001) to help students from around the world attend NAAEE's annual conference. Deadline: June 15, 2008


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    5. A Short Drive into Tallgrass in Kansas

    The Flint Hills National Scenic Byway beckons to attendees of the 2008 NAAEE Annual Conference. Just a 35-minute drive east of Wichita, the Flint Hills of Kansas are the home to the largest remaining stand of the tallgrass prairie in North America. The hiking trails on the Z-Bar Ranch in the Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve offer a close look at the prairie뭩 ecosystem. The Kansas Division of Travel and Tourism has put together a ready-made adventure for a daytrip to the Flint Hills.


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    6. First Border-Wide EE Conference ~ Mexico

    It is time to meet face to face ## to interact, share, and learn from each other! NAAEE is excited to announce this gathering of the environmental & conservation education community from across the US-Mexico Border to strengthen this collaboration and recognize our growing field. Register online after April 25th. Supporting partners are EPA Region 6 and the Environmental Education Exchange.

    Es momento de vernos cara a cara ## interactuar, compartir y aprender de otros. La NAAEE se complace en anunciar esta reuni? de la comunidad de educadores ambientales de la frontera M?ico-Estados Unidos para fortalecer la colaboraci? y reconocer nuestro crecimiento en este campo. Reg?trate en l?ea despu? del 25 de abril. Socios organizadores incluyen a la EPA Regi? 6 y el Environmental Education Exchange. www.redeafronteriza.net


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    7. NAAEE Conference Inspires Recycling Efforts at Hyatt Regency Wichita

    Recycling is in full swing for the NAAEE Conference in October. Currently, the Hyatt Regency Wichita "Green Team" is looking into recycling for the entire hotel and will be examining different options over the coming months. The outlook is positive, and HRW hopes to have plastic and paper recycling within the hotel for all conferences prior to NAAEE뭩 arrival.


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    Awards, Grants, Contests

    8. Nominate a Young Environmental Leader for a $2000 Barron Prize

    Nomination Deadline: April 30, 2008
    The Gloria Barron Prize for Young Heroes seeks nominations for its 2008 awards. The Barron Prize honors young people (ages 8-18) who have made a significant positive difference to people and our planet. Each year, 10 national winners each receive $2,000 to support their service work or higher education. Half of each year's winners are chosen for their work to protect the environment.


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    9. Rachel Carson Sense of Wonder Intergenerational Poetry, Essay, and Photography Contest

    Deadline: June 16, 2008
    This US EPA Aging Initiative, Generations United, and Rachel Carson Council Inc., contest is seeking submissions on the theme of one of Rachel Carson's books The Sense of Wonder. Entries must be intergenerational involving a team of persons related or unrelated and describe the project and how this project brought the team in touch with the natural world. This intergenerational approach reflects Carson's desire to have adults share nature and discovery with children.

    Contact: Shakeba Carter-Jenkins, 202-564-4355, or carter-jenkins.shakeba@epa.gov


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    10. Teachers Encourage Participation in Endangered Species Day

    Submission Deadline: May 1, 2008
    Endangered Species Day is May 16th and teachers can involve their students by encouraging them to write a short essay (100-200 words) and/or draw or paint a picture of a specific endangered animal. High school students can submit a 250-word essay suggesting ways to prevent a specific species loss. Selected works will appear on the Endangered Species Day Web site.

    Essays and art work (8 퐫 by 11? colored pencil, paint, or pastel) can be sent by May 1st to:
    Sarah Matsumoto, Endangered Species Coalition
    PO Box 5852, Berkeley, CA 94705
    Include names of teacher, student, and school.


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    Diversity and Environmental Justice Highlights

    11. Making EE Relevant for Culturally Diverse Audiences ~ Online

    Fall 2008 ~ Online
    This course was developed in collaboration with national EE experts who represent diverse cultural and ethnic backgrounds and is designed to provide the basic knowledge and skills needed to make EE relevant to culturally diverse audiences. Through this course, participants will broaden their perspective of EE to encompass interests and issues of concern to culturally diverse audiences, assess barriers to participation among culturally diverse audiences, and apply cultural competency skills in building relationships and partnerships with members of an audience they intend to work with in the future. Although there are no prerequisites for this course, a working understanding of environmental education is essential for success.

    Participants may obtain one undergraduate or graduate credit from the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point. It is also available as a non-credit workshop for those that are not seeking college credit. All participants, regardless of location, are eligible for the in-state tuition rate.

    Contact: Ali Cordie at acordie@uwsp.edu


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    12. Visiting or Live Near Baltimore? Support the BUGS Program on May 3rd

    May 3, 2008, ~ Baltimore, Maryland
    Baltimore students will be selling thousands of plants they have grown using organic methods, food they have made, and artwork they have created. The Baltimore Urban Gardening with Students (BUGS) Program works with children from under-served Baltimore City communities throughout the year with an after-school program as well as a summer program. The program's primary goal is to empower and inspire our children to develop academically, creatively, and socially. They will also hold a West African inspired dance and musical performance wearing costumes they have created. The proceeds from the market help support annual camping trips and go to students as paychecks for all their work!

    Saturday, May 3rd, from 10am-1pm at the Living Classrooms Foundation, 802 S. Caroline Street, Baltimore, Maryland


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    National Events, Training, Announcements

    13. 2008 TAEE Fall Conference CFP ~ Texas

    October 10-12, 2008 ~ Austin, Texas
    The 2008 Texas Association for Environmental Education Fall conference theme is, "Your Community.. Our Environment... EE Anywhere." Keynote speaker will be the National PLT Director, Kathy McGlauflin.
    Call for Presentations Deadline: May 1, 2008
    Contact: Haily Summerford, Haily.Summerford at fortworthgov.org


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    14. Adapting to Global Climate Change ~ Pennsylvania

    May 7-9, 2008 ~ Grantville, Pennsylvania
    The 2008 Annual Pennsylvania Environmental Professionals (PAEP) Conference theme "Adapting to Global Climate Change: A Pennsylvania Perspective" will offer a wide selection of topical presentations for a diverse mix of environmental professionals.

    The education committee is looking for undergraduate and graduate student posters to be posted at the conference. Questions about submitting should be directed to Brian Oram, professional geologist/soil scientist at Wilkes University, Center for Environmental Quality - brian.oram@wilkes.edu. Students can attend all conference presentations and education tracks at no charge.


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    15. DoRight Enterprises?A Youth-Run Consulting Firm

    July 1-2, 2008 ~ Westchester County, New York
    DoRight Enterprises is a nationally recognized, interdisciplinary curricular program that "employs" students as consultants in a not-for-profit consulting firm run by the teacher. DoRight consulting groups can be set up within academic curricular programs or after-school programs. Through the program, students acquire the environmental and economic knowledge and skills necessary to offer their expertise as consultants to help their local businesses, hospitals, schools, homes, governmental offices, etc., reduce operating costs, raise profits, and reduce environmental impact. For 7-10 Grade Teachers.


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    16. EECO Annual Conference ~ Ohio

    April 24-27, 2008 ~ Loudonville, Ohio
    The 2008 Environmental Education Council of Ohio (EECO) conference "ROOTS - Bringing People Back to Nature," will provide participants the opportunity to learn, share, and experience the best practices of EE.
    Learn more >>


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    17. Great Green America Fest ~ Pennsylvania

    May 3-4, 2008 ~ Manheim, Pennsylvania
    The Great Green America Fest is "green and growing." This family-oriented, eco-folk fest will provide nonstop "edutainment," complete with music, arts, games, and food all around the focus of bettering the environment. The Green Fest is a combined effort between the Pennsylvania Renaissance Faire, green partners such as government agencies, major corporations, small businesses, and nonprofit organizations. Interactive educational presentations, activities, and displays for all ages will be presented by knowledgeable speakers and field experts on topics such as renewable energy, sustainability, global warming, biodiversity, fair trade, and recycling.


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    18. International Migratory Bird Day

    May 10, 2008
    Environment for the Americas invites you to participate in International Migratory Bird Day (IMBD) 2008. IMBD focuses attention on one of the most spectacular events in the life of a migratory bird ## its journey between summer and winter homes. It is celebrated throughout the Western Hemisphere by festivals, bird walks, education programs, and Bird Day. This year, the bird conservation focus is "Tundra to Tropics: Connecting Birds, Habitats, and People." Visit the Web site for information, downloadable materials, activity ideas, and more.


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    19. New Hope for Arid Lands ~ Webinar

    April 25, 2008, 12pm-1pm PDT ~ Online
    Society for Ecological Restoration (SER) International is presenting this special webinar, New Hope for Arid Lands: A Guide for Desert and Dryland Restoration, with David Bainbridge, earth scientist, ecologist, and author of same title. Webinar is free to SER members.


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    20. New Online EETAP Course

    Offered by the Environmental Education and Training Partnership (EETAP) and the University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point (UWSP). This is a nine-week course available for two graduate-level credits or as a non-credit workshop.

  • Leadership Development in Natural Resources: Strategic Planning and Implementation
    Fall 2008 course dates: Check online course Web site for course dates
    Learn how to develop successful strategic planning and implementation models, processes, and techniques. Emphasis will be placed on managing the strategic planning process to build the capacity of organizations to provide effective environmental education programs. Course participants will also have an opportunity for individual consultation time with the course instructor to discuss specific issues/questions they might have regarding strategic planning. This new course has been designed for environmental educators, natural resource professionals, and graduate students who are currently involved in a strategic planning process or may become involved in one in the future.

    Contact: Angela Lemar at Angela.Lemar@uwsp.edu


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    21. Two Unique Summer Programs at Lesley University ~ Maine

    Lesley University Sustainable Practices Summer Program: May 30 - June 19, 2008
    This summer live and learn on 155 beautiful acres in rural Maine at the Ravenwood Homestead. Earn six undergraduate credits while you put into practice ecological concepts and alternative solutions you may have heard of, but have never had the chance to try.

    Lesley University Sustainable Human Ecology: July 11-18, 2008
    This three-credit undergraduate course is a focused investigation into practices and issues related to human sustainability based on fundamental ecological principles. Travel and camp while exploring the natural history and ecology of a bioregion. Learn about sustainable living practices by visiting people and businesses in Maine who are working toward a more eco-friendly lifestyle. This seven-day experience involves camping, eating locally, and service learning.


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    22. Using Eco-Literacy Fables to Inspire Learning ~ New York

    June 20-22, 2008 ~ Putnam County, New York
    Learners of all ages connect through storytelling with tales that inspire curiosity, engage emotions, make learning fun, and the content memorable. The ZERI eco-literacy fables are rooted in real science and present academic knowledge in a way that makes it relevant to kid뭩 lives. The fables are based on the understanding that in nature everything is interconnected and nothing is wasted. For K-5 teachers.


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    23. Wildlife Recreation and Nature Tourism Program ~ Online

    The University of Wisconsin ?River Falls is offering an online graduate certificate program that will provide the skills necessary to effectively preserve the natural resources, while enhancing economic opportunity and the quality of life, in the participant뭩 community. Knowledge gained may be immediately applied to a real community or resource site through the development of a comprehensive site management plan. Contact: Steve Sandstrom, WRNT Program Coordinator, at ssandstrom@centurytel.net


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    24. Working Forum on Nature Education ~ Nebraska

    July 21-23, 2008 ~ Nebraska City, Nebraska
    The Arbor Day Foundation and NAAEE are inviting conservation professionals, landscape architects, health care experts, and early childhood educators to the second Working Forum on Nature Education: New Tools for Connecting the World's Children with Nature. Join other delegates from a wide range of professions from six continents as they gather to share ideas on how to reconnect children around the world with nature.


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    Research and Publishing Opportunities

    25. Author of Wetlands Book Seeking Input

    Author of This Tender Place: A Story of a Wetland Year, Laurie Lawlor, is seeking information on individual states' wetland curriculum goals.

  • Which states have wetland study as part of the mandated science/social studies curriculum?

  • Which grade levels study wetlands?
    Please send responses to: Laurie Lawlor at LauLawlor@aol.com


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    Resources for Students and Educators

    26. Clean Sweep USA Expands Resources for Grades 4-8

    Keep America Beautiful, Inc., received a $75,000 grant from the Office Depot Foundation to redesign and enhance its Clean Sweep U.S.A. EE Web site. This educational math and science classroom resource for students (grades 4-8) now includes lessons on litter prevention and beautification and features interactive learning modules that help students, teachers, and families address real-world issues about waste.


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    27. Climate Change Tales for Young Children

    Tales for young children (ages 5-8) such as Where are the igloos of Iglooville? and Tears from the other side of the world are told by Professor Sneeze, Reckless, and Breakneck explaining in easy terms, the Kyoto protocol and the problems linked to global warming in the Arctic region. Appropriate for children ages 5-8.


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    28. Land of Curiosities

    By Deanna S. Neil, Land of Curiousities is the first tale in a series of adventures with the Clifton family into Yellowstone, the year that it is declared the world뭩 first national park. The collection is staged around defining events and themes in the history of the environmental movement as told through the experiences of these courageous young fictional characters, James and Alice, who learn to protect each other and the environment. The first book, for ages eight and up, includes a real history section, and was inspired by real events and places.


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    29. MSN Green Jobs Story Features NAAEE Member

    "What better way to show you care about the earth than going to work to save it?" says Abby Schultz, a writer for the MSN.com web site on all things "밽reen." Her story features 11 different career possibilities. The third one is education and quotes NAAEE Life Member Bora Simmons!


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    30. Outside Magazine 2nd Green Issue

    The March 2008 Outside Magazine is the second annual "green" issue featuring everything from ecologically friendly destinations and tourism to autos, clothes, and celebrities. Includes a "greenwash-free" primer to earth-friendly companies and "Readers speak" boxes throughout the issue with responses to survey questions that indicate how their audience views and acts on environmental concerns.


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    31. The Future of Interdisciplinary Studies and other Articles

    The Winter 2008 issue of Liberal Education, published by the Association of American Colleges and Universities, contains articles about the role of interdisciplinary studies, the transformative power of art, a liberal education "scorecard," "inside-out" leadership, international education and Middle East development, general education metaphors, an innovative community-based research course, and Rachel Carson as an exemplar of the liberally educated citizen.


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    32. Wood to Energy Outreach Program

    To help communities in the southern U.S. build understanding and generate discussion about potential energy options with woody biomass, the Wood to Energy Outreach Program developed the Biomass Ambassador Guide. The Guide includes tips on developing outreach programs and a set of handouts: 16 fact sheets on topics including economics, environmental concerns, conversion, and policy; 14 case studies of wood-to-energy facilities; and 13 community economic profiles. All of the materials are available on the Web site and Guides can be ordered and CDs of the materials can be requested by emailing Lauren McDonell at mcdonell@ufl.edu.


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    33. briefCAISE

    This new e-publication from the Center for Advancement of Informal Science Education (CAISE), funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) is especially for those promoting learning through informal institutions/organizations. In the first issue, read about the NSF's new framework for evaluating impacts of informal learning, opportunities for sharing rich case studies, and anecdotes about learning in informal setting, and support for underrepresented individuals and geographic regions to successfully apply for NSF grants.


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    About EE-News

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    For only $55 (professional membership rate), you get a wealth of member benefits that include the new Members-only version of EE-News, discounts on conference registration and publications, access to our membership directory for valuable networking, the ability to influence NAAEE policy through participating in Committees and Commissions, and more !

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    About EE-News and More

    Making a contribution to supporting NAAEE's work to improve the EE profession has never been easier.

    This email bulletin is provided by NAAEE , with funding from the Environmental Education and Training Partnership (EETAP). Read the latest EETAP Bulletin >> . EETAP is funded by U.S. EPA's Office of Environmental Education. The NAAEE promotes excellence in EE and serves environmental educators for the purpose of achieving environmental literacy in order for present and future generations to benefit from a safe and healthy environment and a better quality of life. Read the latest EETAP Bulletin >>

    Submit an announcement for inclusion in EE-News by sending a 50-80 word description to maryo@naaee.org

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    EE Jobs!!!
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    NAAEE also offers the following print publication to its members:
    NAAEE Communicator
    Quarterly print publication mailed to all NAAEE members >>

    Writers' guidelines for submitting to the Communicator >>

    Educators and others may copy or distribute the information in EE-News for the noncommercial purpose of educational advancement.

    View this newsletter online: http://www.naaee.org/news-and-events/ee-news-archives/
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